Spreading Holiday Cheer in Your HVAC Business

During the holiday season, when customers are more focused on ham and cookies than heating and cooling, HVAC business can slow to a screeching halt. But that doesn’t mean your work stops. 

The weeks through early January are a perfect time to grow business and relationships that boost sales. HVAC companies utilizing The EverRest Group process should use the time to master the 5 Critical Components of Success. Keep technicians in 4 to 5 homes a day to help them build skills and confidence. Follow the mandatory and secondary lead conditions to help customers get the most out of their HVAC systems. 

HVAC companies can also celebrate their customers, support employees and boost business by spreading some holiday cheer. Consider some options that will impart goodwill into the community: 

  • Host a community food drive
    According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a growing number of Americans face food insecurity, or a lack of sustained access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy lifestyle.  

    To start a food drive, identify a local food bank that could benefit from donations and then put the word out. Ask employees to consider donating and urge technicians to spread the word.  
  • Start a toy drive
    A toy drive helps communities come together to support struggling families during the holidays. Start a toy drive by coordinating with a local charity to determine drive dates and then spread the word. Don’t forget to put donation bins in the office and advertise online. 
  • Sponsor a family
    Charities nationwide match struggling families with groups or organizations to ensure that holidays are memorable for those in need.  Start by contacting a coordinating agency, such as Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army, to find a family. After you’re matched, determine what the family needs. 

    According to Soldiers’ Angels, which runs an “adoption” program for military families, companies should be prepared to provide a minimum of $50 to $100 in food gift cards for a holiday meal and $35 to $50 gifts for each child. 

  • Volunteer as a group
    When it comes to volunteering, the options are limitless. Consider working at a food bank for a few hours, helping with a Habitat for Humanity build, joining a charity walk or run, organizing a public space clean-up, sponsoring a youth sports team or hosting a blood drive. No matter the event, consider it a time to bond and enjoy each other’s company.

In addition to organizing charitable events to help the community, HVAC company owners shouldn’t forget to recognize their own employees. Some inexpensive options include:

  • Host a holiday breakfast, lunch or dinner
    When arranging a company celebration, try not to interfere with employee family time. If a weekend or evening event is unavoidable, consider making it family friendly so employees don’t have to pay for babysitters. 

    When putting together the menu, choose basic foods that everyone will enjoy (think pancakes for breakfast or sandwiches and pizza for lunch or dinner) and limit alcohol consumption. Better yet, make the party a potluck – you provide the main course and ask everyone to contribute a side dish to be shared.

  • Provide a day off 
    No, don’t shut down the company for a day. Instead, give employees a day off of their choosing during the upcoming year as a thank you. Employees will appreciate having an extra vacation day to use as they please.

  • Gift turkeys
    Employee turkey gifts are a tradition in some companies, so why not start a new tradition now? A turkey can be a meaningful and practical way to say thank you and happy holidays to employees. 

And finally, don’t forget to acknowledge the customers who make your company a success. Some options include: 

  • Send good old-fashioned cards
    Never underestimate the power of a handwritten greeting. Holiday cards sent through snail mail show customers you care about their business. The message doesn’t need to be any long poetic prose or crafted essay. Make it short, sincere and personalized. 

  • Create a holiday video
    Record a holiday greeting with all employees sharing similar messaging and post it on social media. The video doesn’t need to be super complicated or clever – just fun and interesting to watch. Consider having everyone sing a carol or just giving customer shout-outs.

  • Spotlight social media
    Recognize your biggest clients on social media and thank them for their dedication. The recognition can be as simple as a quick thank you on Facebook or as involved as a blog post highlighting the client. 

No matter how you choose to spread holiday cheer, remember the people keeping your company running smoothly, including employees and customers. From our family to yours, happy holidays!