Maintenance Agreements – A Win-Win for Everyone

Smart HVAC business owners know maintenance agreements are beneficial for both the company and its clients. For HVAC companies, maintenance agreements provide a more substantial customer base.  For homeowners, they reduce the worry that comes with unexpected equipment breakdown or failure.

Of course, maintenance agreement terms vary widely based on individual companies. But when the agreements are designed with customer service in mind, homeowners are eager to sign up. Let’s look at some of the benefits homeowners enjoy:

  • Convenience
    Customers appreciate the convenience that comes with someone else worrying about their HVAC systems. Companies that provide maintenance agreements typically schedule seasonal inspections, taking the responsibility out of the customer’s hands.
  • Preferred customer status 
    What’s worse than a broken-down HVAC system in the middle of summer (or winter)? Having to wait to get the system fixed. Quality maintenance agreements allow customers to skip ahead of other callers for quicker repairs.
  • Service, repair and replacement savings
    Businesses that offer discounts to maintenance agreement customers understand that it makes good fiscal sense. A happy customer is a return customer. And return customers tell their friends. 
  • Staying current on warranty terms
    Many HVAC systems require periodic maintenance to stay current on the manufacturer’s warranty terms and conditions. Customers with maintenance agreements don’t have to worry because their HVAC company will ensure the service is done on time with detailed records of the services provided.

In addition, HVAC businesses also benefit from maintenance agreements in many ways, including:

  • Increased customer retention
    Customers who receive reliable and honest service through an HVAC maintenance agreement will be more likely to renew the contract through the years.
  • Additional customer engagement
    Agreements give your technicians more opportunities to interact with customers and establish positive working relationships. From this, technicians can better understand individual customer needs and provide personalized services.
  • Improved employee retention
    Busy employees are happy employees. Employees who service a steady stream of maintenance plan customers – particularly during the slower seasons — will never be bored.
  • Determining future replacement demands
    A successful business model includes forecasting supply and demand. HVAC business owners can determine replacement demand in part by examining the needs of maintenance agreement customers. 

For EverRest Group clients, maintenance agreements also provide ample opportunities to run lead generation tasks and uncover secondary and mandatory lead conditions.

Maintenance agreements are so fundamental to the EverRest method, we partnered with Payzer to help clients develop and implement a solid program. Take a look to see what a maintenance program can do for your company – plug your numbers into the interactive calculator to see your results.

If you’re still on the fence about offering maintenance agreements, take a step back and consider this: Do you want happier customers? Do you want more motivated technicians? Do you want more zeroes (in your savings account)? If the answer is yes to any (or all) of these questions, launch a maintenance agreement program now. 

While the task of establishing a maintenance program may seem daunting initially, the payoff is great. If you don’t know where to start, reach out to one of our partner companies that can help or your regional director who can guide you to resources: