Happy New Year: Making 2021 The Best Yet

COVID. Lockdowns. Murder hornets. Riots. UFOs. Tiger King. Politics. Mystery seeds. Wildfires. Toilet paper. Hurricanes. 

Phew. A year like no other is over. 

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, many of us are looking forward to new (and better) challenges and opportunities. January is a time for resolutions and results – including developing business strategies and goals for a new year.

Starting the new year off right is more than a pledge to exercise and eat right. The new year is a perfect time to brush the cobwebs off old ideas and concepts that are holding back your HVAC company. 

Instead of making lofty goals that fizzle out before they start, consider starting with more attainable objectives that can ultimately develop into significant results.

Why not try …

  • Writing personal and business goals?
    Writing down goals is a small but significant start to making changes. Business experts recommend using each element of the SMART framework to create actionable objectives. That is, make your goals:
  • Specific (fixed on one goal)
  • Measurable (progress able to be calculated)
  • Assignable (work that can be delegated) 
  • Realistic (attainable)
  • Time-related (a specific deadline) 

While every goal won’t fit into the SMART framework, you can determine your next steps and plot an action plan.

  • Setting reasonable expectations for new projects?
    One of the easiest ways to fail is to set unrealistic project goals. Missed deadlines and overzealous expectations can result in reduced work quality, low staff morale and high employee turnover.

    Staffing company Robert Half recommends stepping back and reconsidering all project elements before they are set into motion. Clearly define the project requirements in writing and rely on qualified staff and other available resources to make it happen.
  • Looking into local customer trends?
    Industry experts predict the HVAC industry will continue to grow in the coming years. By determining the most significant areas of growth in your community, you can pinpoint new opportunities and markets. Knowing local, state and national customer trends can also help you quickly adjust your business to market needs. 

    Tracking and monitoring sales are a great way to observe consumer habits, as well as keeping tabs on sales, profits and technician benchmarks.  
  • Doubling down on The EverRest Group strategies?
    If your company is already using EverRest’s Peak Performance Program, maybe it’s time to make some adjustments and changes? If your company hasn’t started fully implementing the 5 Critical Components of Success, perhaps it’s time to start?

    As you know, the EverRest program is designed to deliver 20% net profits without shady sales tactics, hiring new staff or increasing overhead. What you may not realize is that the program is designed with your success in mind. We want you to maximize sales and profits, so we offer multiple training and learning opportunities

As the most comprehensive HVAC business consultancy in the industry, The EverRest Group has spent decades fine-tuning methods and approaches. Our industry experts have analyzed data from our in-house HVAC company, Hans Heating & Air, to showcase realistic sales expectations. 

Looking ahead into 2021, we see only great things for the HVAC industry and companies following EverRest methods. 

Let’s make it a year to remember. Happy New Year!